

Establishment of Hairy Root System Mediated by Ri Plasmid and its Advances in Biosynthesis of Plant Secondary Metabolites

  • 摘要: 发根农杆菌Ri质粒可诱导植物产生毛状根体系, 该体系具有遗传性状稳定且增殖速度快的特点,可用于药用植物次生代谢产物的生产研究,为利用生物反应器技术进行药用植物有效成分工业化水平的发酵培养开辟了新途径。本文主要综述了发根农杆菌Ri质粒介导的植物毛状根体系遗传转化机理,并对毛状根体系在药用植物次生代谢产物生产中的研究现状进行了深入分析,为从基因水平上调控植物次生代谢产物的合成提供新思路。


    Abstract: The hairy roots of plants can be induced by the root inducing plasmid (Ri) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. With high growth rate and genetic stability, the hairy root system can be used in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites as wild-type roots. The in vitro hairy root culture system provides a new process with active medicinal plant ingredients in the industrial fermentation of commercial-scale bioreactor technology. This paper summarizes the genetic transformation mechanism of hairy roots induced by the Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, and the current research on secondary metabolites of hairy roots and directions of future research, thereby offering a new perspective on the study of secondary metabolites of hairy roots at the level of gene expression.


