

Spiradiclis yangchunensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China(英文稿)

  • 摘要: 描述了自广东省发现的茜草科一新种——阳春螺序草,其与宽昭螺序草相似,两者均具有半木质化的茎、披针形的叶片、线状的苞片和小苞片以及高脚碟形的花冠,但本种因茎叶无毛、花序蝎尾状、花萼裂片小三角形、长柱花的雄蕊着生位置更近于花冠管基部等特征而不同于后者.目前阳春螺序草仅在其模式种产地发现一个不足200株的居群,根据IUCN评价标准,其应处于濒危(EN)等级.


    Abstract: Spiradiclis yangchunensis, a new species endemic to Guangdong Province, China, is described and illustrated here. It is similar to S. howii H.S. Lo in somewhat woody stems,lanceolate leaves, linear bracts and bracteolates, and salverform flowers, but differs in having glabrous stems and leaves, scorpioid paniculiform inflorescence, small and triangular hypanthium lobes, and low position of stamens in long-styled flowers. Only one population with less than 200 individuals of S. yangchunensis was found at the type locality up to now, and its conservation status is evaluated as Endangered (EN), according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.


