

Lateral Bud Germination Characteristics of Bamboo Rhizomes of Indocalamus decorus Q.H.Dai Pot Seedlings

  • 摘要: 美丽箬竹是优良观赏经济竹种,对环境生态因子变化具有很高的敏感性。本研究通过设置竹苗密度、光照、养分、水分等生态因子进行实验,比较不同处理条件下其地下茎营养成分、矿质元素、内源激素含量及侧芽萌发等特征差异,并进一步分析各生态因子对美丽箬竹地下茎侧芽萌发的影响。结果显示:(1)美丽箬竹地下茎各营养成分、矿质元素、内源激素含量中,蛋白质、Mg、Fe、ABA、iPA、IAA、Zr对侧芽发笋的影响较大,可溶性糖、GA对侧芽发鞭的影响较大;(2)采用2鞭段上盆、不加遮阳网、基质肥料配比为8∶1、每隔6d定量浇水1次等处理条件,美丽箬竹地下茎物质储量及侧芽萌发效果最好;(3)不同处理条件造成美丽箬竹地下茎营养成分、矿质元素、内源激素等发生复杂变化,最终造成其侧芽萌发的差异性。美丽箬竹对环境因子的这种生理响应差异,也可能与竹种对环境的长期选择和遗传进化有关。本研究结果可为竹子良种繁育和栽培提供科学依据。


    Abstract: Indocalamus decorus Q.H. Dai is a good ornamental and economic bamboo species, with high sensitivity to ecological variations in the environment. Different treatments of several key ecological factors, including bamboo seedling density, light, fertilization and water, were compared in regards to bamboo rhizome nutrient, mineral element, endogenous hormone and bud germination characteristic differences under various treatments, with lateral bud germination responses to ecological factors also analyzed. Results showed that: (1) Among nutritional components, mineral element and endogenous hormone content of the bamboo rhizome, protein, Mg, Fe, ABA, iPA, IAA, and Zr concentrations showed higher correlation with bamboo shoots germinating from the lateral buds, but soluble sugar and GA contents had higher correlation with bamboo rhizome germinating from the lateral buds. (2) I. decorus showed the best substance storage and bud germination characteristics under potting treatments with two rhizome sections, a matrix and fertilizer ratio of 8∶1, a 6-day watering interval, and without a shading net. (3) Different treatments resulted in complex changes in bamboo rhizome nutrients, mineral elements, and endogenous hormones, and further caused lateral bud germination differences. The differences of bamboo physiological response to environment ecological factors might also be caused by long-term environmental selection and genetic evolution. This study will be useful for the propagation and cultivation of this species.


