

Review on the Application of Bioimpedance Methods in Plant Root Biology Research

  • 摘要: 因受限于检测方法,对埋藏于土壤中植物根系研究的深入程度远低于其地上部分。传统获取根系的方法不仅费时费力,而且对根系原位分布和生存微环境具有明显的扰动破坏,故随着根系研究的不断深入,迫切需要寻求一种非破坏性的根系检测方法。电阻抗法是在一定频率的外加电源下,测量电路中的根系电学特征(电容、电阻和电阻抗图谱),并且电学特征与根系生物量和形态指标之间存在较好的相关性,然而,由于对电阻抗法基于电路中电流流向等的关键机理尚不清楚,有些学者对该方法的大范围应用提出了质疑。本文首先对生物电阻抗法测量根系的原理和模型进行阐述,然后重点综述根系电阻抗法研究的不同理论方法及存在的问题,最后提出电阻抗法研究植物根系应该解决的重要科学问题,并展望电阻抗法更加广泛的研究和应用前景,以期为获取非破坏性的根系研究技术提供参考。


    Abstract: Due to the limitation of appropriate methods, the vast majority of research on plant traits has concentrated on above-ground tissues rather than root systems hindered by soil. Conventional root investigation methods such as soil cores, monoliths, and in-growth cores are inherently labour intensive, time-consuming and destructive. There is, therefore, an urgent need for a non-destructive but reliable method for the estimation of the structure and function of root systems in situ. Numerous studies have shown good correlations between electrical impedance parameters (capacitance, resistance and electrical impedance spectroscopy) and root weight and morphology with the measurement of roots under an external electric field. Recently, however, other researchers have argued that the understanding of the electrical behaviour of roots is still poor. This paper introduces the basic theory and measurement of bioimpedance, reviews the different outcomes of root research using bioimpedance, and suggests several questions in regard to the application of bioimpedance. The current research will provide a reference for studies examining non-destructive root systems in situ.


