

Population Structure and Living Community Characteristics of Endangered Camellia luteoflora Li ex H. T. Chang

  • 摘要: 小黄花茶(Camellia luteoflora Li ex H.T.Chang)是分布极狭的贵州特有植物,本文在群落调查的基础上,研究了其生存群落的特征和种群结构。结果表明:小黄花茶主要分布于毛竹林、竹阔混交林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林等3种群落类型中,其中阔叶林分布最多。小黄花茶的生存群落内,高位芽植物占总数的43.24%;地上芽植物占16.22%;地面芽和隐芽植物占16.89%;一年生植物占6.77%。生存群落物种丰富度等5种多样性指数均为草本层 > 灌木层 > 乔木层;小黄花茶种群结构整体属于稳定型,局部区域处于衰退型。近5年来,小黄花茶种群数量减少了约20%,种群生存面临很大威胁。生存群落中竹类植物的快速扩张,加上人为干扰和动物危害等,是小黄花茶种群受威胁的主要因素。


    Abstract: To better protect the rare and endangered Camellia luteoflora Li ex H. T. Chang, a survey on the community characteristics and species diversity was conducted through quadrat sampling in Guizhou Chishui Alsophila National Nature Reserve. Importance values of the plant were calculated and Raunkiaer's life-form spectra were analyzed. Community characteristics and species diversity were also analyzed using Margalef Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Pielou evenness indexes. The population age structure was categorized by height and diameter at breast height. Results showed:(1) The living community was divided into tree different types:bamboo forest, bamboo and broad-leaved forest, and evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest. The evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest had the most C. luteoflora. (2) Raunkiaer's life-form spectra showed that phanerophytes accounted for 43.24% of the total, chamaephytes accounted for 16.22%, hemicryptophytes and geophytes accounted for 16.89%, and therophytes accounted for 6.77%. (3) Evenness index analyses showed the pattern of herb layer > shrub layer > tree layer. (4) Age structure demonstrated that the whole C. luteoflora population was stable, but the local region was in recession. In the past five years, population numbers have decreased by 20%, and population survival has faced considerable threats. The rapid expansion of bamboo plants in the living community, human disturbance and animal damage are the main factors threatening C. luteoflora.


