

Research and Application of Gametes and Early Embryo Isolation Technology in Angiosperms

  • 摘要: 被子植物的有性生殖过程复杂精巧并深藏于母体组织内进行,一直以来难以对该过程进行直接的细胞学和分子生物学研究。如今在多种植物中获得了有活力而无污染的配子细胞和早期胚胎,结合少量细胞mRNA提取技术、基因组深度测序以及离体授精系统等技术,人们已能对被子植物受精过程中的配子识别、配子融合、合子激活等重要发育事件进行深入分析。本文对有代表性的被子植物配子和早期胚胎的分离技术及其在受精作用研究中的应用、存在的问题和前景进行了总结,旨在为植物生殖发育研究提供帮助。


    Abstract: Sexual reproduction in angiosperms is complicated and occurs deep within maternal tissues, making it difficult to study by direct cellular and molecular methods. Recently, with the progression of micromanipulation and other techniques, researchers have been able to obtain viable gametes and early embryos in a wide range of plant species. Combined with mRNA extraction from a small amount of cells, genome-wide deep sequencing, the establishment of in vitro fertilization systems and new molecular and genetic approaches, new light has been shed on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the fertilization process. In this review, we focus on representative isolation methods in gametes and early embryos and application of these methods in plant sexual reproduction research. This review will provide a useful reference for research in this field.


