

Advance of Phyllosphere Microorganisms and Their Interaction with the Outside Environment

  • 摘要: 叶际微生物及其生存环境共同形成了一个复杂的生态系统。建立在纯种分离和纯培养技术基础之上的传统研究方法只能了解其中部分叶际微生物,但对物种组成、种群结构和生态学作用等方面的认识都比较片面。近年来随着分子生物学和生物信息学的进步,人们对叶际微生物总群落的分析逐渐揭示了叶际微生物组成的多样性及其特点,以及与外界互相作用的复杂性。研究表明,植物种类、地理位置和季节差异等都不同程度地影响着叶际微生物群落的构成。本文综述了近年来国内外叶际微生物群落结构组成及其与外界互作方面的研究进展,有利于加深对叶际微生物的了解,也有助于深入理解叶际微生物与植物生长和植物病虫害防治的关联关系。


    Abstract: The phyllosphere comprises the aerial parts of plants and is dominated by the leaves. Microbes that colonize the aerial habitat are termed phyllosphere microorganisms, and form a complex ecosystem within the environment. Conventional culture-dependent methodologies have provided partial information, but are limited by the medium and culture conditions. Recently, a significant advance in molecular biology and informatics techniques revealed vital clues regarding information on the identities and properties of microbial groups in the phyllosphere. Complex interactions are expected to occur in the phyllosphere between various microorganisms as well as between microorganisms and host plants. This article reviews the latest research on the diversity and multipartite interactions in phyllosphere bacterial communities, providing new insight into the relationships between phyllosphere microorganisms and contributing to more effective, less environmentally damaging means of plant pest control.


