

Observation of the morphological and anatomical characteristics of different sex flower buds in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.

  • 摘要: 采用体视显微镜、石蜡切片和树脂切片技术对栝楼(Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.)不同性别花芽分化发育时期的外部形态和内部解剖结构进行了观察。结果显示,栝楼花为雌雄异株,仅有雌花、雄花两种性别分化,且雄花的发育速度明显快于雌花的发育速度。栝楼雌雄花芽长0.2 mm左右已完成性别分化;栝楼雄花为单性花,分化过程可分为6个时期,整个发育过程仅见雄蕊原基的分化及生长。栝楼雌花为“两性花”,分化过程可分为7个时期,存在雌蕊和雄蕊共同发育阶段,后期雄蕊发育败退。本研究明确了不同性别栝楼花芽发育发生的各个阶段、形态变化特点、外部形态变化特征以及雌雄花芽的分化差异,建立了雌雄花芽内部结构分化与外部形态之间相关性,为栝楼早期幼苗鉴定及性别分化研究提供了一定的参考。


    Abstract: To clarify flower bud development in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim., we investigated the morphological and anatomical differentiation and development of male and female flower buds using stereomicroscopy, paraffin sectioning, and resin slicing. Results showed the Trichosanthes flower to be dioecious, with sexual differentiation observed between the female and male flowers and the development speed of male flowers found to be significantly faster than that of female flowers. The differentiation between male and female flower buds was completed by ~0.2 mm length. The male flower was monosexual and the differentiation stages could be divided into six periods, with only the differentiation and growth of the stamen primordia observed during the whole development process. The female flower was hermaphroditic and the differentiation stages could be divided into seven periods, including joint development of the pistil and stamen, though stamen development regressed at a later stage. Thus, this study clarified the bud development stages, as well as the internal anatomical and external morphological changes and differentiation of male and female flower buds and established a correlation between internal structure differentiation and external morphology of male and female flower buds. Furthermore, this study provides a reference for the identification of early seedlings and research on sexual differentiation in Trichosanthes.


