

The “Tanaka Line” and its application as a biogeographic floristic line

  • 摘要: 日本学者根据对柑桔种系的地理分布设想了一条从云南西北部(28°N,98°E)向东南部延伸到越南北部东京湾(大约18°45'N或19°N、108°E)的分界线,将其命名为“柑桔分布的田中线”,简称“田中线”。后来它被认为在区分中国-日本植物分布属与中国-喜马拉雅分布属上具有生物地理意义,并与一些兰科植物属的分布相结合提出了“田中-楷永线”,建议将它作为一条划分东亚植物区系东部的中国-日本植物亚区与西部的中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区的区系线。一些研究显示该线对一些物种的种群分化和谱系地理有意义,但主要是气候和地貌引起的环境梯度变化,不支持它是一条古老的生物地理分界线。另外,这条“柑桔分布的田中线”本身,未得到柑桔属内及其近缘属的系统发育关系研究的支持。云南植物区系的生物地理分异明显,但与“田中线”无显著联系,在云南植物区系分区上,“田中线”也基本无意义。云南复杂的地质历史、多样的气候和地貌,影响了植物区系的生物地理分异,用这条设想的从云南西北部向东南部延伸的斜直线作为一条生物地理界线,与最近的研究具有不相符性。


    Abstract: Japanese scholar Tanaka imagined a straight line starting from the crossing point at 28°N, 98°E in northwest Yunnan running diagonally southward to 18°45'N or 19°N, 108°E, which was suggested as the "Tanaka Line of Citrus distribution" ("Tanaka Line" (TL)). Later, Chinese scholars considered the TL to have biogeographical significance in distinguishing Sino-Japanese and Sino-Himalayan genera, and combined with the distribution of some orchid genera, proposed the Tanaka-Kaiyong floristic line (TKL) between the Sino-Japanese and Sino-Himalayan floristic sub-kingdoms of the East Asian floristic kingdom. Several studies have revealed that the TKL is meaningful in regard to the phylogeography, genetic isolation, and population differentiation of certain plant species, but mainly due to its role as a climatically-and topographically-driven barrier to present-day plant dispersal, not as a classical vicariant-biogeographic boundary confined to a geo-block. However, the KL is not supported by phylogenetic studies on Citrus or related genera. Furthermore, floristic divergence and regionalization do not correspond with the TL in Yunnan. Obviously, climate, topography, and geological history have had comprehensive effects on biogeographical divergence in Yunnan. Thus, as a biogeographical boundary, the TL is inconsistent with recent studies.


