

Taxonomy and distribution of Aloina Kindb.in Xinjiang, China

  • 摘要: 以采自新疆各地的350余份芦荟藓属植物为材料,对新疆芦荟藓属植物的分类及其分布进行研究。结果显示,新疆产芦荟藓属植物3种:短喙芦荟藓(Aloina brevirostris(Hook.&Grev.)Kindb.)、斜叶芦荟藓(A.obliquifolia(Müll.Hal.)Broth.)和钝叶芦荟藓(A.rigida(Hedw.)Limpr.)。其中斜叶芦荟藓为新疆新记录种。对它们的形态特征进行了描述,明确了各种的识别特征,并提供了生境、产地与分布地等信息及显微照片,编制了新疆芦荟藓属植物分种检索表。


    Abstract: In the current paper, we performed taxonomical study of 350 specimens of Aloina Kindb. collected from various regions of Xinjiang. Results indicated that there were three species of Aloina found in Xinjiang, i.e., Aloina brevirostris (Hook. & Grev.) Kindb., A. obliquifolia (Müll. Hal.) Broth., and A. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr., with A. obliquifolia (Müll. Hal.) Broth. being a new record for the area. The morphological characteristics, identification characteristics, and information and photomicrographs of habitats and distribution areas were discussed below. A key to the species of Aloina in Xinjiang was also provided.


