

Molecular basis of pollen tube guidance and avoidance of polytubey fertilization

  • 摘要: 被子植物中,成熟花粉落在柱头上萌发出花粉管。花粉管在珠柄信号和珠孔信号的引导下,准确生长进入胚珠内的胚囊中,然后破裂释放两个精细胞完成双受精。被子植物建立了一套精细的调控机制,保证有且仅有一根花粉管进入胚囊完成双受精,从而保证遗传信息的稳定传递。本文对近年来国内外在花粉管引导与多管入囊阻断的机理研究进行了综述,并对花粉管导向的后续机制研究及利用其克服远缘杂交进行了展望。


    Abstract: In angiosperms, mature pollen falls on the stigma to germinate the pollen tube. Under the guidance of funiculus and micropyle signals, the pollen tube grows accurately into the embryo sac in the ovule, and then ruptures to release two sperm cells to complete double fertilization. Ensuring that only one pollen tube enters the embryo sac for complete double fertilization and stable transmission of genetic information is carefully regulated. This paper reviews recent research on the mechanisms of pollen tube guidance and polytubey block.


