

Response of phenotypic plasticity of invasive Ageratum conyzoides L. to interspecific competition

  • 摘要: 本文以恶性入侵植物藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)与其伴生种紫苏(Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.)为研究对象,分析不同种间竞争距离下藿香蓟功能性状的表型可塑性。结果显示:(1)较高的藿香蓟初始高度可显著减小其后续的相对株高生长(回归系数β = −0.137),相对株高生长与其初始高度呈显著负相关,藿香蓟的株高生长速度显著高于紫苏;(2)竞争等级对藿香蓟收获时的地上生物量、比茎长和花蕾强度有显著影响(P < 0.05),在竞争距离为5 cm时,藿香蓟比茎长和花蕾强度显著高于其他组别;(3)竞争的不对称性仅影响藿香蓟的比茎长,初始高度高于藿香蓟的紫苏株数越多,藿香蓟的比茎长就越长(β = 3.374);(4)除高生长,藿香蓟其余7个性状均表现出较高的表型可塑性,变异系数CV值在0.17~0.55。藿香蓟综合表型可塑性在不同竞争距离下存在显著差异,在紫苏-藿香蓟距离为2.5 cm时,藿香蓟表型可塑性指数低,竞争距离为10或20 cm时,可塑性指数显著提高。综合来看,面对紫苏的近距离竞争(2.5 cm),藿香蓟的生长和繁殖普遍受到抑制,表现为较低的表型可塑性。但随着竞争距离增加,藿香蓟能快速适应种间竞争,表型可塑性较高。在5 cm的竞争距离下,藿香蓟避阴反应强烈,可通过比茎长的增加在光资源获取上获得优势。


    Abstract: Phenotypic plasticity is an effective way for plants to adapt to environmental changes and one of the mechanisms by which alien plants successfully invade. At present, it is difficult to study how invasive plants respond to complex biological environments to show adaptability plasticity. To explore the response of invasive plant phenotypic plasticity to interspecific competition, we tested the phenotypic plasticity of functional traits of invasive Ageratum conyzoides L. under competition with native P. frutescens at different competitive distances. Results showed that: (1) Higher initial height of A. conyzoides significantly reduced its subsequent relative height growth (regression coefficient, β = −0.137), relative height growth of A. conyzoides was significantly negatively correlated with initial height, and height growth rate of A. conyzoides was significantly higher than that of P. frutescens. (2) The distance between A. conyzoides and competitors (competitive distance) had a significant effect on aboveground biomass, specific stem length, and flower bud intensity of A. conyzoides at harvest (P < 0.05). Specific stem length and flower bud intensity of A. conyzoides were significantly higher at a competitive distance of 5 cm than at other distances. (3) Competitive asymmetry only affected the specific stem length of A. conyzoides. The greater number of P. frutescens with higher initial height than A. conyzoides, the longer the specific stem length of A. conyzoides (regression coefficient, β = 3.374). (4) Except for height growth, seven other A. conyzoides traits showed high phenotypic plasticity, with CV values between 0.17 – 0.55. There were significant differences in the comprehensive phenotypic plasticity of A. conyzoides under different competitive distances. The phenotypic plasticity index of A. conyzoides was the lowest under a competitive distance of 2.5 cm and was significantly improved at competitive distances of 10 and 20 cm. Overall, under close competition with P. frutescens (2.5 cm), A. conyzoides growth and reproduction were generally inhibited with low phenotypic plasticity. However, with the increase in competitive distance, A. conyzoides quickly adapted to interspecific competition and exhibited high phenotypic plasticity. At a competitive distance of 5 cm, A. conyzoides showed a strong shade avoidance response and gained an advantage in light resources through the increase of specific stem length.


