

Advances in the negative density-dependent hypothesis

  • 摘要: 负密度制约假说被认为是维持热带森林较高生物多样性的重要机制之一,其主要描述由于资源竞争和有害生物侵害,导致同种个体死亡率增加,从而为其他物种提供生存空间和资源,促进物种共存。通过介绍不同气候带影响负密度制约的驱动因子,以及影响负密度制约强度的生物和非生物因子,本文阐述了最近十余年负密度制约相关研究的进展。其次,通过介绍负密度制约的纬度梯度格局及其存在的争议,讨论了负密度制约的理论意义。最后,利用文献计量学分析方法,探讨了负密度制约近年来的发展趋势以及今后的发展方向。


    Abstract: The negative density-dependent hypothesis posits that increased mortality rates among conspecific individuals due to resource competition and harmful pest infestation, facilitate the provision of space and resources for other species, thereby promoting species coexistence. This mechanism is considered important for maintaining high biodiversity in tropical forests. The current review offers a comprehensive summary of advancements in negative density-dependent research over the past decade, including its drivers in different climatic zones, biotic and abiotic factors influencing its strength, latitudinal patterns, and current controversies. Based on bibliometric analysis, this review also discusses the latest trends and development directions in the field of negative density dependence.


