

Response of Pinus massoniana Leaf Area Index (LAI) to Climate Indicators in Fujian Province

  • 摘要: 掌握马尾松叶面积指数(LAI)的时空分布规律是实现马尾松毛虫害空间监测与预警的基础要求。以福建省38个气候台站测定的2010年平均气温、平均气温距平、降雨量、降雨量距平、日照时数及日照时数距平等6个气候要素及实地测定的90个马尾松LAI数据为基础,分别从省域、地市两个尺度分析了福建省马尾松LAI对气候的响应规律。结果表明:(1)除日照时数距平外,其他5个气候要素对马尾松LAI均有显著影响,相关系数排序为:平均气温>降雨量>日照时数>平均气温距平>降雨量距平;(2)从省域尺度上看,马尾松LAI对平均气温的响应呈开口向下的抛物线,对平均气温距平的响应可以用三次曲线较好地予以说明;LAI对降雨量的响应是负向的,降雨量距平对LAI的影响与平均温度相似;对日照时数的响应则呈开头向上的抛物线;(3)从地市尺度上看,马尾松主产区南平、三明、龙岩3市的LAI普遍低于沿海非主产区,尤以南平最低,一方面是由于马尾松LAI 对气候要素的直接响应,另一方面则是通过气候对松毛虫分布的影响,使LAI呈现沿海高、内陆低的空间特征。


    Abstract: To understand spatial and temporal distribution regularity of Pinus massoniana, we used leaf area index (LAI) to achieve Dendrolimus punctatus Walker damage spatial monitoring and early warning. We used six climate indicators, namely average temperature, average temperature anomalies, precipitation, precipitation anomalies, sunshine hours and sunshine hour anomalies measured from 38 climate stations in 2010 in Fujian Province and 90 field measured LAI, and analysed the response of P. massoniana LAI to the climate from provincial and city scales, respectively. Results showed that: (1) in addition to sunshine anomalies, the other five climate indicators significantly influenced P. massoniana LAI in the order average temperature > precipitation > sunshine hours > average temperature anomalies > precipitation anomalies with the coefficients; (2) seen from the provincial scale, the response of P. massoniana LAI to average temperature presented as an open side down parabola, and the response to average anomalies was explained by a cubic curve; the response of LAI to precipitation was negative and the influence of precipitation anomalies was similar to average temperature, while response to sunshine hours presented as an open side upward parabola; (3) seen from the prefecture-level city scale, the LAI of Nanping, Sanming, and Longyan, the main producing areas of P. massoniana in Fujian, were generally lower than that in non- or low-producing coastal areas, with the LAI of Nanping being the lowest. On one hand, why the LAI of Nanping, Sanming, and Longyan being lower than other areas was because of the direct response of P. massoniana LAI to climate indicators, and on the other hand, by the impact of climate on the distribution of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker, LAI showed the spatial characteristics of coastal high and inland low.


