

Nutrient Diagnosis of Casuarina equisetifolia Seedlings Using DRIS

  • 摘要: 以我国东南沿海沙地主要造林树种短枝木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)一年生苗木为研究对象,应用氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)三元二次旋转回归法,根据现实生物量的差异,划分为2种不同的产量类型,同时结合室内养分含量分析,以高产量类型为最适值,制定了诊断施肥综合法(Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrate System,简称DRIS)及指数法的营养诊断标准,研究氮、磷、钾不同施肥配比条件下苗木体内氮、磷、钾的养分含量及其需求程度,对短枝木麻黄进行苗期综合营养诊断分析。结果表明:施肥配比对短枝木麻黄苗木生物量积累规律有较大影响,苗木生物量最优解为19.84 g/株,对应的最佳施肥方案为氮、磷、钾分别施肥0.329 g/株、 2.298 g/株、 0.154 g/株。短枝木麻黄苗期小枝3种元素浓度的最佳比值范围为P/N=0.3174±0.1302; K/N=1.1010±0.506; K/P=3.5564±0.5075,以生长末期12月份各处理苗木为例,列出各元素的DRIS诊断指数及相对需肥次序,证实了营养诊断的准确性。


    Abstract: Using one-year-old Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings,which are the main planting species along the sandy coast of southeast China,and ternary quadratic rotary recursive fertilizer design of N,P and K,two different output types were divided based on real differences in biomass.Further,by the data of N,P and K nutrient elements contents of the seedlings,nutrition diagnosis was analyzed for C.equisetifolia.There was an obvious impact of proportioning fertilization on biomass accumulation of C.equisetifolia.The optimal solution of seedling outputs was 19.84 g per tree,and the respective quantities of fertilization were 0.329 g per tree for N,2.298 g per tree for P,and 0.154 g per tree for K.The rational scales of ratios among the nutrient elements were P/N=0.3174±0.1302, K/N=1.1010±0.506, K/P=3.5564±0.5075.Application of examples treated by ternary quadratic rotary recursive fertilizer design confirmed the diagnosing accuracy and list sequence of nutrients demanded through DRIS(Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrate System).


