Carex tsushimensis (Ohwi) Ohwi, a newly recorded species of Cyperaceae from Zhejiang in East China, with morphological comparisons among related species
摘要: 报道了中国莎草科薹草属一新记录种:对马薹草(Carex tsushimensis(Ohwi)Ohwi)。该种现知分布于日本九州的对马岛和中国浙江省遂昌县的九龙山国家级自然保护区,生长于林下水沟边。根据小坚果先端具僧帽状膨大的环盘特征,对马薹草属于灰帽薹草组(sect.Mitratae),形态接近中华薹草(C.chinensis)、伴生薹草(C.sociata)和龙奇薹草(C.longkiensis)。对马薹草与伴生薹草最为近缘,区别主要在于前者叶片宽2~4 mm,小穗较少,4或5个,顶生雄小穗与其下的侧生小穗稍疏远,雌花鳞片先端延伸成长约3 mm的粗糙长芒。Abstract: Carex tsushimensis (Ohwi) Ohwi, is reported as a newly recorded species in China. It is distributed in the Tsushima Islands of Kyushu in Japan and Suichang County of Zhejiang Province in China and grows along streams under forests. With nutlets discoid-annulate at the apex, C. tsushimensis belongs to sect. Mitratae and morphologically resembles C. chinensis Retz., C. sociata Boott, and C. longkiensis Franch. It differs from closed species, C. sociata, by leaf blades 2 - 4 mm wide, spikes 4 or 5, terminal staminate spike distant from lateral ones, and pistillate scales with ca. 3 mm long scabrous awn at apex.
- Carex tsushimensis /
- Cyperaceae /
- New record /
- Related species /
- China
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