

高瑜, 李佳颖, 刘宇哲, 孟繁蕴

高瑜, 李佳颖, 刘宇哲, 孟繁蕴. 基于组合模型的丹参潜在地理分布研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2021, 39(6): 571-579. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60571
引用本文: 高瑜, 李佳颖, 刘宇哲, 孟繁蕴. 基于组合模型的丹参潜在地理分布研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2021, 39(6): 571-579. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60571
GAO Yu, LI Jia-ying, LIU Yu-zhe, MENG Fan-yun. Potential geographical distribution of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge based on ensemble model[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2021, 39(6): 571-579. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60571
Citation: GAO Yu, LI Jia-ying, LIU Yu-zhe, MENG Fan-yun. Potential geographical distribution of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge based on ensemble model[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2021, 39(6): 571-579. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60571








  • 中图分类号: Q948

Potential geographical distribution of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge based on ensemble model


supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81072999)

  • 摘要: 利用丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge)的地理分布数据和28个环境变量,基于Biomod2平台利用9个物种分布模型,模拟丹参在我国的空间分布,统计其适生区面积,并确定影响丹参分布的环境变量。结果显示:我国中部、东部的大部分地区适宜丹参生长,其中山东、湖北、陕西、安徽等地为丹参最适宜分布区;丹参在我国的总适生区面积为2.44×107 km2,其中湖南省的适生区面积最高,其次是四川省和湖北省;在当前环境条件下,温度与潜在蒸散量等是影响丹参分布的主导环境因子;推进式回归树模型GBM和随机森林模型RF在9个模型中表现最好。研究结果表明湖北省北部、河南省南部和安徽省的中南部最适宜种植丹参。
    Abstract: Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge has high medicinal value, with new pharmacological effects still being discovered. Here, our research goal was to explore the suitability of S. miltiorrhiza participation in the ecological environment and carry out suitable regions in China. Based on nine species distribution models in the Biomod2 platform, we used distribution data of S. miltiorrhiza and 28 environmental variables to predict its spatial distribution in China, calculate its suitable distribution areas, and identify factors that affect its distribution. Most regions in the central and eastern parts of China were suitable for S. miltiorrhiza, especially Hunan, Shandong, Hubei, Shaanxi, and Anhui. The total suitable area in China was 2.44×107 km2, with Hunan having the highest suitable area, followed by Sichuan and Hubei. Under current environmental conditions, temperature and potential evapotranspiration are the leading environmental factors affecting the distribution of S. miltiorrhiza. Among the nine models, GBM and RF showed the best performance. This study provides scientific support for choosing appropriate planting regions for S. miltiorrhiza, which should contribute to the protection of the species.
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-05-16
  • 修回日期:  2021-07-22
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-10-31
  • 发布日期:  2021-12-27


