

水新利, 白云玉, 张英洁, 许嘉巍, 靳英华, 陶岩, 赵琛, 张慧慧, 刘丽杰

水新利, 白云玉, 张英洁, 许嘉巍, 靳英华, 陶岩, 赵琛, 张慧慧, 刘丽杰. 氮沉降对长白山3种苔原类型凋落物早期分解的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 2021, 39(6): 580-591. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60580
引用本文: 水新利, 白云玉, 张英洁, 许嘉巍, 靳英华, 陶岩, 赵琛, 张慧慧, 刘丽杰. 氮沉降对长白山3种苔原类型凋落物早期分解的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 2021, 39(6): 580-591. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60580
SHUI Xin-li, BAI Yun-yu, ZHANG Ying-jie, XU Jia-wei, JIN Ying-hua, TAO Yan, ZHAO Chen, ZHANG Hui-hui, LIU Li-jie. Effects of nitrogen deposition on early decomposition of three tundra litter types in Changbai Mountains[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2021, 39(6): 580-591. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60580
Citation: SHUI Xin-li, BAI Yun-yu, ZHANG Ying-jie, XU Jia-wei, JIN Ying-hua, TAO Yan, ZHAO Chen, ZHANG Hui-hui, LIU Li-jie. Effects of nitrogen deposition on early decomposition of three tundra litter types in Changbai Mountains[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2021, 39(6): 580-591. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2021.60580








  • 中图分类号: S718.5

Effects of nitrogen deposition on early decomposition of three tundra litter types in Changbai Mountains


supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41571078)

  • 摘要: 本研究以牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron aureum Georgi)凋落物、小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia (Kom.)Y. L. Chang)凋落物及两者的混合物作为长白山3种苔原类型的代表性凋落物,在人工气候箱中研究不同氮沉降量增加对凋落物早期分解的影响。结果显示:(1)小叶章凋落物质量高,易分解;牛皮杜鹃凋落物质量低,难分解;牛皮杜鹃-小叶章混合凋落物分解程度居中,且存在非加和效应的协同促进作用;(2)氮沉降增加对牛皮杜鹃和小叶章凋落物的分解均有显著促进作用,但对牛皮杜鹃-小叶章混合凋落物的分解影响不明显;(3)早期分解过程中,3种凋落物的总碳和总磷呈释放状态,木质素呈现富集状态;牛皮杜鹃总氮和纤维素呈富集状态,而小叶章和混合凋落物总氮和纤维素呈释放状态;(4)中氮处理对牛皮杜鹃凋落物总磷释放具有显著抑制作用;而高氮处理对小叶章和混合凋落物总磷释放具有显著促进作用。研究结果表明,氮沉降增加了凋落物的分解速度。
    Abstract: Rhododendron aureum litter, Deyeuxia angustifolia litter, and their mixture were selected as three tundra litter types from the Changbai Mountains. The effects of different nitrogen deposition on early-stage litter decomposition were studied in an artificial climate chamber. Results showed that: (1) D.angustifolia litter was of high quality and decomposed easily, R. aureum litter was of low quality and decomposed poorly, while the mixed litter showed moderate decomposition, with synergistic promotion of non-additive effects in the decomposition process; (2) Increased nitrogen deposition promoted decomposition of Rhododendron aureum and Deyeuxia angustifolia litter significantly, but the decomposition effect of mixed litter was not obvious; (3) At the early stage of decomposition, the three types of litter were all in the releasing state of total carbon and total phosphorus, and the lignin presented an enriched state; the total nitrogen and cellulose of R. aureum were in an enriched state, and the total nitrogen and cellulose of D. angustifolia and mixed litter were in a released state; (4) Medium nitrogen treatment significantly inhibited the release of total phosphorus from R. aureum litter, while high nitrogen treatment significantly promoted the release of total phosphorus from D. angustifolia and mixed litter. These results show that nitrogen deposition can increase the decomposition of litter.
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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 黄庆阳,谢立红,曹宏杰,王立民,杨帆,王继丰,刘赢男,倪红伟. 细菌对五大连池火山森林凋落物早期分解的影响. 应用生态学报. 2023(07): 1941-1948 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2021-05-23
  • 修回日期:  2021-06-21
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-10-31
  • 发布日期:  2021-12-27


