

李波, 张文根, 陈少风, 杨赛钢

李波, 张文根, 陈少风, 杨赛钢. 江西产酸模属植物叶片比较解剖学研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(5): 443-449.
引用本文: 李波, 张文根, 陈少风, 杨赛钢. 江西产酸模属植物叶片比较解剖学研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(5): 443-449.
LI Bo, ZHANG Wen-Gen, CHEN Shao-Feng, YANG Sai-Gang. Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Rumex in Jiangxi[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(5): 443-449.
Citation: LI Bo, ZHANG Wen-Gen, CHEN Shao-Feng, YANG Sai-Gang. Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Rumex in Jiangxi[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(5): 443-449.



    陈少风, E-mail: sfchen@ncu.edu.en

  • 中图分类号: Q944.5;Q949.744

Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Rumex in Jiangxi

  • 摘要: 对江西产酸模属(Rumex L.)7种植物进行了叶形态结构的显微观察。结果表明:(1)叶片上表皮均有气孔器分布,表皮上普遍具有腺体和异细胞,叶肉中均含有晶体细胞,晶体类型为簇晶;(2)下表皮细胞特征及气孔类型、叶肉细胞的分化及排列方式、中脉维管束数目等特征具有明显的种间差异,可以作为属下种级鉴定指标;(3)小酸模在气孔类型、栅栏组织和海绵组织排列紧密程度、中脉形状及维管束数量等特征上与同属其它种类具有显著的差异,形态解剖学证据支持小酸模亚属(Subgen.Acetosella(Meisn.)Rech.)的成立;(4)根据酸模属植物气孔器类型的演化阶段,并结合孢粉学、形态学等证据,认为酸模属处于蓼科植物系统演化的较低或中等地位。通过对酸模属植物叶形态结构的比较观察,为探讨该属的系统演化关系及属下分类提供叶解剖学证据。
    Abstract: The leaves of 7 species in Rumex L.of Jiangxi was studied.The results were as follows:(1)The upper leave surfaces all had stomatal apparatus;gland and special epidermis cell normally existed both on upper and lower leave suefeaces;crystalloid cell generally existed in diachyma,and the type was druse;(2)The character of lower epidermis cell and the type of stomatal apparatus,the specialization and arrangement of diachyma,the shape and the number of vascular bundle of midrib etc.distinctly had differences between all species,and could be used to distinguish each other;(3)Rumex acetosella L.obviously differented from others in the type of stomatal apparatus,the arrangement of diachyma cells,the shape and the number of vascular bundle of midrib etc.,so these morphological characters supported the construction of Subgen.Acetosella(Meisn.)Rech;(4)Rumex L.was considered to locate in a low or middle status in Polygonaceae,because of its original types of stomatal apparatus and pollen and other morphological cha-racters.The study of comparative anatomy of leaves might provid some helps to the study of phylogeny and classification of Rumex L.
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  • 收稿日期:  2007-12-17
  • 修回日期:  2008-04-01
  • 发布日期:  2008-10-27


