

康冬丽, 潘其辉, 易自力, 陈智勇, 蒋建雄

康冬丽, 潘其辉, 易自力, 陈智勇, 蒋建雄. 基于ITS序列的苎麻属大叶苎麻组的系统发育研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(5): 450-453.
引用本文: 康冬丽, 潘其辉, 易自力, 陈智勇, 蒋建雄. 基于ITS序列的苎麻属大叶苎麻组的系统发育研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2008, 26(5): 450-453.
KANG Dong-Li, PAN Qi-Hui, YI Zi-Li, CHEN Zhi-Yong, JIANG Jian-Xiong. Phylogenetic Study on Sect.Duretia(Boehmeria,Urticaceae) Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(5): 450-453.
Citation: KANG Dong-Li, PAN Qi-Hui, YI Zi-Li, CHEN Zhi-Yong, JIANG Jian-Xiong. Phylogenetic Study on Sect.Duretia(Boehmeria,Urticaceae) Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2008, 26(5): 450-453.



    蒋建雄, E-mail: jxjiang2002@yahoo.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: Q941+.1

Phylogenetic Study on Sect.Duretia(Boehmeria,Urticaceae) Based on nrDNA ITS Sequences

  • 摘要: 大叶苎麻组(Sect.Duretia)是荨麻科苎麻属(Boehmeria)的一个种类比较多的组,目前对该组植物的系统发育还不清楚。本研究测定了其中9种4变种的核糖体DNA的ITS序列。ITS平均长度约687bp。选取冷水花属作为外类群,根据ITS序列的差异计算出种间遗传距离。分别采用最简约法和邻接法进行系统发育分析。细野麻(Boehmeria gracilis)、赤麻(B.silvestrii)、野线麻(B.japonica)和疏毛水苎麻(B.pilosiuscula)、束序苎麻(B.siamensis)亲缘关系较近聚成一支,自展支持率为76%(MP)和89%(NJ);密球苎麻(B.densiglomerata)、长序苎麻(B.dolichostachya)、灰绿水苎麻(B.macrophylla var.canescens)、糙叶水苎麻(B.macrophylla var.scabrella)、圆叶水苎麻(B.macrophylla var.rotundifolia)和海岛苎麻(B.formosana)、福州苎麻(B.formosana var.stricta)则聚为另一支,自展支持率为74%(MP)和94%(NJ);歧序苎麻(B.polystachya)单独为一支,与大叶苎麻组的其他种在一级分支中就分开,和其他种亲缘关系较远。
    Abstract: Sect.Duretia is a big-sized sect.of genus Boehmeria,the phylogenetic relationship of it is not very clear.The sequences of nrDNA ITS from nine species and four varieties of sect.Duretia in Boehmeria were analyzed by PCR amplification and direct sequencing.The average sequences of PCR products were about 687 bp including ITS-1,5.8S and ITS-2.By referring to sequence of Pilea notata,the genetic distance among varieties were calculated,MP tree and NJ tree was constructed to analyze the genetic relationships of sect.Duretia in Boehmeria.The phylogenetic trees based on the data set show that the B.gracilis,B.silvestrii,B.japonica and B.pilosiuscula,B.siamensis formed a monophyletic group,with bootstrap values of 76%(MP) and 89%(NJ);B.densiglomerata,B.dolichostachya,B.macrophylla var.canescens,B.macrophylla var.scabrella,B.macrophylla var.rotundifolia,B.formosana and B.formosana var.stricta formed another monophyletic group,with bootstrap values of 74%(MP) and 94%(NJ).However, B.polystachya formed a single group,it has the most distant to the other species of sect.Duretia.
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  • 收稿日期:  2007-12-11
  • 修回日期:  2008-08-08
  • 发布日期:  2008-10-27


