基于对浙江省10个代表性样地的调查,应用物种丰富度指数(S)、Simpson指数(Ds)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H’)和Pielou均匀度指数(J),分析了阔叶丰花草(Spermacoce latifolia)入侵群落的物种多样性;并通过测定群落中20个种的生态位宽度、生态位重叠、χ2测验、联结系数(AC)和共同出现百分率(PC),从多个方面探讨了阔叶丰花草在群落中对环境资源的利用状况、与其他物种的相互关系和相对地位。结果表明:(1)阔叶丰花草的入侵降低了群落的物种多样性;(2)群落中阔叶丰花草生态位宽度最大,说明阔叶丰花草对环境的适应能力较强,很容易与其他物种发生竞争;(3)阔叶丰花草与升马唐(Digitaria ciliaris)的生态位重叠值最大,野塘蒿(Conyza bonariensis)、莎草(Cyperus rotundus)次之;(4)阔叶丰花草入侵群落中所有种间没有呈现出显著的相关性,阔叶丰花草只与升马唐、野塘蒿有一定的正联结,与莎草、鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、母草(Lindernia crustacea)等有一定的负联结。
According to the data collected from ten typical plots in Zhejiang Province,we analyzed the diversity of the communities invaded by alien plant Spermacoce latifolia using species richness index,Simpon Index,Shanon-Wiener Index and Pielou Index.In order to test its competition,relative association,and the position with other species in the communities,the niche breadths,niche overlaps,multi-interspecies association,and pair-interspecies association of S.latifolia with other 20 species were determined.The results were as follows:(1) The diversity of the communities decreased with the invasion of S.latifolia;(2) The widest in niche breath of S.latifolia dropped a hint that it could survive in any environments and easily compete with other species in the community;(3) S.latifolia had greatest niche overlaps with Digitaria ciliaris,followed by those with Conyza bonariensis and Cyperus rotundus;(4) The χ2 analysis indicated that no species in the community had a significant relationship with S.latifolia,which only had a positive relationship with D.ciliaris,C.bonariensis and a negative relationship with C.rotundus,Commelina communis and Lindernia crustacea.