

Resources and Distribution of Rattan in China

  • 摘要: 棕榈藤是一种重要的非木材林产品, 在全球生物多样性保护和经济发展方面起着重要的作用。通过查阅相关文献、野外调查和标本鉴定, 对中国棕榈藤植物的种类组成、地理分布类型及特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)中国分布有较丰富的棕榈藤植物资源, 共计3属40种(含变种), 在云南、海南、广西等12个省区均有分布, 其生长习性以攀援型为主。(2)中国棕榈藤植物表现出明显的水平和垂直地带性分布规律;水平地域性分布明显, 形成了西南(云南西双版纳)和东南(海南省)两大分布中心, 而其他区域分布的种类相对较少;海拔1000 m以下地区分布的种类较多, 有一定数量的广布种。(3)中国棕榈藤植物可划分为10个分布区类型, 其中, 以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布型的种类为主, 特有种也占有一定比例;种类的分布与中南半岛、南亚棕榈藤植物区系有密切的联系。


    Abstract: Rattan, an important resource for non-timber forest products, has significant rules on biodiversity conservation and economic development. Here, rattan species resources and floral types and characteristics were studied based on related literature, field investigation and specimen identification. Results showed: (1) There were 3 genera and 40 species and varieties distributed within 12 provinces of China, and climber rattan was the main growth type. (2) Rattan in China exhibited significant horizontal distribution, while vertical distribution formed two distribution centers, including a southwest distribution center (Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province) and southeast distribution center (Hainan Province). (3) There were 10 areal-types of rattan in China. The dominant areal rattan species was of tropical Asia distribution, which presented India-Malay Areal type characteristics, and was closely associated with the Indo-China Peninsula and South Asian countries.


