

On the Evolution and Distribution of the Trichosanthes

  • 摘要: 依据世界范围栝楼属植物种类的形态学、孢粉学、细胞学、系统发育研究资料, 对栝楼属植物的系统演化和现代地理分布的形成进行了总结。栝楼组在栝楼属中处于原始地位, 大苞组、叶苞组属于较进化类群, 该属内的部分类群是在二倍体的水平上经过多倍化形成的。栝楼属在第三纪时期广布于欧洲、北美洲、亚洲、大洋洲, 到第三纪晚期演化进程加快, 南亚和中国西南山地逐步成为该属的起源中心与分化中心;受第四纪冰川期影响, 该属在欧洲的种类逐渐消失, 东亚成为该属的现代分布中心。栝楼属作为中国本地起源种, 是中国植物区系中的重要组成部分。


    Abstract: This paper studied the species of Trichosanthes L. worldwide, and also discussed the phylogeny and formation of the modern distribution of the Trichosanthes L., integrated with research data on morphology, palynology, cytology and phylogeny. The Sect. Trichosanthes is in the original position of Trichosanthes, and the Sect. Involucraria and Sect. Foliobracteola belong to more evolutionary taxa. Some taxa in this genus are based on the diploid level, and formed through polyploidization. Trichosanthes was widely distributed in Europe, North American, Asia, and Oceania in the Tertiary. The process of evolution was accelerated in the late tertiary, and South Asia and the southwest mountains of China became the origin and distribution centers. Following the Quaternary ice-age, species disappeared in Europe, and East Asia became the modern distribution center. Trichosanthes, as part of the flora of China, is the local origin genus.


