

DNA Barcoding of Acer palmatum (Aceraceae)

  • 摘要: 槭属鸡爪槭(Acer palmatum Thunb.)是北温带广泛分布的一类园艺观赏树种,由于频繁的种内杂交渐渗导致其种下分类群的形态性状特征趋同,致使传统的形态学分类难以准确鉴定,新兴的DNA条形码技术为快速、准确的鉴定鸡爪槭种下分类群提供了新的思路。本研究采用5个叶绿体DNA片段(rpl16、psbA-trnH、trnL-trnF、rbcL、matK)和核基因组ITS片段,运用PWG-distance和Tree-Building两种方法对鸡爪槭的8个分类群共32个个体进行DNA条形码分析。结果显示,单个叶绿体基因组片段(分辨率为0%~25%)或核rDNA ITS片段(12.5%)的分辨率较低,不同组合的叶绿体DNA片段(0%~62.5%)、叶绿体片段与核rDNA ITS片段(12.5%~50%)的分辨率则相对较高。其中,rpl16 + psbA-trnH + trnL-trnF片段组合的分辨率最高(62.5%),较为符合DNA条形码快速、准确鉴定的要求,因此建议将其作为鸡爪槭种下分类群鉴定的DNA条形码。


    Abstract: Acer palmatum Thunb. (Aceraceae) is an important garden ornamental tree species in northern temperate regions. It is relatively difficult to classify by traditional methods due to frequent intraspecific hybridization and introgression. However, the emergence and development of DNA barcoding methods has provided an alternative approach to this issue. In this study, five candidate DNA noncoding regions (rpl16, psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF, rbcL and matK) from the chloroplast genome and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region from the nuclear genome were used to distinguish eight taxa of A. palmatum. The identification efficiency estimated by PWG-distance and Tree-Building methods showed that single chloroplast DNA fragment (0% - 25%) or ITS fragment (12.5%) always showed low levels of species discrimination, while the combination of chloroplast DNA fragments (0% - 62.5%) and chloroplast DNA fragments plus ITS fragments (12.5% - 50%) had higher resolution for identifying A. palmatum. The highest discrimination rate of rpl16 + psbA-trnH + trnL-trnF reached 62.5%. Thus, we concluded that rpl16 + psbA-trnH + trnL-trnF could be considered as a potential barcode for taxa identification in A. palmatum.


