

Anatomical Structure of Leaves of Different Evolutionary Type within Subgenus Soja

  • 摘要: 为了探讨大豆属(Glycine)Soja亚属植物的系统演化规律,采用石蜡切片法对产自吉林省的大豆属Soja亚属4种植物的叶片结构进行显微观察。结果显示,Soja亚属中的野生大豆(Glycine soja Seib. et Zucc.)、半野生大豆(semi-wild soybean)、半栽培大豆(semi-cultured soybean)、栽培大豆(Glycine max (L.) Merrill.)叶片的部分结构特征差异显著;从野生大豆到栽培大豆,其叶片和主脉逐渐加厚、表皮毛数量增多,主脉维管束中导管分子列数增多且逐渐演化出异型维管束,栅栏组织层数逐渐增多,CTR(栅栏组织 / 叶片厚)和SR(海绵组织 / 叶片厚)值也有增高的趋势;栽培大豆栅栏组织最发达,已演化出4层栅栏组织细胞。大豆属Soja亚属4种植物(野生大豆、半野生大豆、半栽培大豆、栽培大豆)叶片间的解剖结构差异表现出明显的进化趋势。


    Abstract: To explore the evolutionary characteristics of subgenus Soja plants, we compared anatomical structure differences among leaves of four soybean germplasm from Jilin Province by paraffin section. Results showed that there were significant differences in the anatomical structure of the four taxa of plant leaves within subgenus Soja. In accordance with the order of wild soybean to cultured soybean, the leaves and primary veins thickened, the number of epidermal hairs increased, vessel elements in the primary vein vascular bundle increased, abnormal vascular bundles appeared, the palisade tissue layers and CTR and SR values increased, and four cell layers evolved in the palisade tissue of cultured soybean. The evolutionary pattern (from lower to higher evolution) of the subgenus Soja plants determined from the structural characteristics was wild soybean → semi-wild soybean → semi-cultured soybean → cultured soybean.


