

Dendrobium luoi, a New Species of Orchidaceae from China

  • 摘要: 描述了自湖南省新宁县发现的兰科石斛属石斛组一新种——罗氏石斛(Dendrobium luoi L.J.Chen & W.H.Rao),并给出其与近缘种河口石斛(D.hekouense Z.J.Liu & L.J.Chen)的区别特征:本种的花梗与子房长 2 ~ 2.5 cm;花淡黄色,萼片先端红褐色,中萼片狭卵状椭圆形;唇瓣倒卵状匙形,不裂,具紫褐色斑块;唇盘中央具3条褶片并从基部延伸至先端;褶片中间增粗并具乳突状毛.


    Abstract: Dendrobium luoi L.J.Chen & W.H.Rao, from Xinning County of Hunan Province, China, is described and illustrated as a new species of Orchidaceae.The new species is similar to its ally D.hekouense, but can be distinguished by its pedicel and ovary 2-2.5 cm long; flower yellowish; sepal apex red-brown; dorsal sepals narrowly elliptic; lip obovate-spatulate, unlobed with purple-brown spots; lip disc with three longitudinal lamellae extending from its base to the apex, and lamellae inflated at the middle with papilla-hairy.


