

In vitro Asymbiotic Germination and Propagation of Paphiopedilum concolor (Lindl.) Pfitz.

  • 摘要: 以授粉后不同发育时期的同色兜兰种子为材料,观察其形态特征和萌发过程,并探讨建立同色兜兰高效快繁体系的最佳条件.结果表明,种子发育中后期即授粉后210~240 d为较适宜的采收期,授粉后210 d的种子萌发率最高(达77.79%);1/4 MS和1/2 MS为同色兜兰适宜的基本培养基,添加100 mL/L椰乳或1 g/L 蛋白胨对种子萌发及原球茎生长和分化有明显的促进作用;添加1 g/L活性炭对原球茎褐化有一定的抑制作用,但添加剂量不宜过大;添加香蕉汁和苹果汁对同色兜兰种子萌发和原球茎生长分化有抑制作用;暗处理对同色兜兰种子萌发无影响;分化后的原球茎在壮苗和生根培养基上培养120 d即可得到4~5片叶、高3~5 cm的同色兜兰健壮试管苗.


    Abstract: Different embryo-aged Paphiopedilum concolor seeds were collected and their structure, germination process, and effective regeneration conditions were investigated. Results showed that the seeds collected from 210-240 days after pollination (DAP) were optimum for culture in vitro, and the seed germination percentage of 210 DAP was the highest (77.79%). Furthermore, 1/4 MS (Murashige and Skoog culture medium) and 1/2 MS were both suitable for germination, and the addition of 100 mL/L coconut water (CW) and 1 g/L peptone had a positive effect on seed germination and protocorm differentiation. The addition of 1 g/L activated charcoal (AC) inhibited protocorm browning and death, while the addition of 2 g/L AC increased the browning and mortality rates. Banana juice and apple juice had a negative effect on seed germination and protocorm differentiation. After culturing of transferred differentiation protocorm on rooting medium for 120 days, the healthy robust seedlings were 3-5 cm tall and had 5-6 leaves.


