

Taxonomic Significance of Venation Pattern in Pyrrosia

  • 摘要: 采用解剖学方法,研究了水龙骨科鹿角蕨亚科石韦属(Pyrrosia)17种植物的脉序特征,并与该科其它3亚科8属8个代表种的脉序进行了对比。结果显示,石韦属植物的脉序属于结合脉序,并可进一步细分为弯脉蕨型和拟槲蕨型。根据脉序特征的聚类分析表明,石韦属植物的结合脉序与水龙骨科其它属植物的结合脉序具有显著差异,且此脉序特征是石韦属内较稳定的分类性状,具有一定的分类学价值。本研究还基于脉序特征,讨论了石蕨(P. angustissimum (Giesenh. ex Diels) Tagawa & K. lwats.)、抱树石韦(P. piloselloides M. G. Price Kalikasan)与其它石韦属植物的亲缘与进化关系。


    Abstract: The characteristics of the venation patterns of 17 species of Pyrrosia (Platycerioideae, Polypodiaceae) were studied using anatomical methods. Venation characteristics of eight species in eight genera of three subfamilies of Polypodiaceae were provided for comparative study. The results showed that the anatomizing venation patterns of Pyrrosia included campyloneuroid and pseudo-drynarioid type, which differed from other anastomosing patterns observed in Polypodiaceae based on morphological phylogenetic analysis. Venation patterns are relatively stable traits in classification, and can be used as a stable taxonomic characteristic in Pyrrosia. Based on the venation pattern and other anatomic evidence, the relationships of venation pattern among P. piloselloides M. G. Price Kalikasan and P. angustissima (Giesenh. ex Diels) Tagawa & K. lwats. with Pyrrosia are discussed.


