

Research on the Metabolism of Schizonepetae Spica Glandular Scale Inclusion

  • 摘要: 为揭示荆芥穗腺鳞在不同开花序列中数量性状及内含物的代谢规律,本实验通过对荆芥穗不同开花序列的萼片进行腺鳞密度及半径的测算,以腺鳞指数拟合评价其数量性状的动态变化;同时对不同开花序列腺鳞内含物中6种单萜类成分(β-月桂烯、d-柠檬烯、dl-薄荷酮、薄荷呋喃、胡薄荷酮、β-石竹烯)进行气相色谱检测与定量研究。结果显示:腺鳞的主要发生阶段为开花前期,并于开花期基本完成;荆芥穗开花后,腺鳞因受到外界因素的影响数量逐渐减少;以D10轮为界,腺鳞中对薄荷烷型单萜类成分的代谢过程存在明显的物候迭代规律,并致使胡薄荷酮在腺鳞内含物中蓄积。说明荆芥穗腺鳞于开花期基本完成其数量性状增长及内含物的合成,但薄荷酮、薄荷呋喃、β-石竹烯等化合物在开花后期仍处于旺盛代谢状态,并且其含量变化可直接造成荆芥穗药效性质的改变,因此D10轮可作为荆芥穗的采收节点。


    Abstract: The dynamic rules of quantitation and inclusion of glandular scales during flowering of Schizonepetae spica were evaluated by measuring the calyx radius and glandular scale density. Quantitative study of six types of monoterpenoids (β-myrcene, d-limonene, dl-menthone, menthofuran, pulegone, and β-caryophyllene) in glandular scale inclusion was performed using gas chromatography during flowering. Most glandular scales were formed during the pre-flowering stage. The number of glandular scales declined after blossoming due to environmental factors. The metabolism of glandular scale inclusion was obvious and the pulegone accumulated during flowering. The quantity and inclusion of glandular scales were generated before blossoming. However, menthone, menthofuran and β-caryophyllene were still in a state of high metabolism during the later stage and their contents affected the efficacy of Schizonepetae spica. Therefore, the D10 period was determined as the optimal harvest time for Schizonepetae spica.


