A systematic survey was conducted from 2012 to 2014 to investigate, evaluate and protect the resources of medicinal vascular plants in the Yaogushan Nature Reserve. A total of 968 species of medicinal plants belonging to 498 genera and 143 families were found, which included 10 families, 13 genera, and 13 species of pteridophytes; 5 families, 7 genera, and 7 species of gymnosperms; and 128 families, 478 genera, and 948 species of angiosperms. In regards to life form, there were more species of herbs than of shrubs. In addition, more whole plantlets than radices were utilized as the medicinal part. Most medicinal plants found in Yaogushan Nature Reserve can be used as antipyretics, anti-rheumatics, and drugs for blood-activation and stasis-elimination. There were 57 species of rare and endangered wild medicinal vascular plants, which accounted for 5.89% of medicinal vascular plants in Yaogushan Nature Reserve. In addition, 58 species of medicinal plants commonly used by the Yao ethnic group were found in Yaogushan Nature Reserve. Based on this investigation and analysis, strategies for resources protection and exploitation are discussed.