

Classification and Characteristics of Plant Communities in Rhinopithecus roxellana Habitat at Shennongjia National Nature Reserve

  • 摘要: 采用植物社会学调查方法,对神农架国家级自然保护区川金丝猴栖息地植物群落进行了调查,并对127个植物样方调查资料进行了聚类分析。综合数量分类及植物社会学的分类标准,将神农架川金丝猴栖息地植被划分为13个群丛和4个群落;分析了各群丛的结构特征、地理分布特征(海拔、地形等)以及不同群丛的植物组成和食源植物状况,同时对各群丛乔木层的胸径等级和高度进行了分析。结果表明:群丛Ⅰ(华山松-金佛山箬竹-湖北大戟)、群丛Ⅵ(巴山冷杉+红桦-箭竹+兴山五味子-抱茎风毛菊)、群丛Ⅸ(华山松-鄂西绣线菊-中日金星蕨)以及群丛Ⅻ(巴山冷杉+华山松-鞘柄菝葜+鄂西绣线菊-中日金星蕨)4个群丛所含物种数最多,其中群丛Ⅰ、Ⅵ、Ⅸ所含食源植物种数也最多;群丛Ⅳ(红桦-湖北花楸-离舌橐吾)胸径大于30 cm的树木所占比例及乔木层平均高度均最大;这5个群丛是神农架国家级自然保护区川金丝猴栖息地的主要植被类型。该研究可为神农架国家级自然保护区川金丝猴栖息地的植被保护与恢复提供重要参考。


    Abstract: Plant communities within the Rhinopithecus roxellana habitat of Shennongjia National Nature Reserve were surveyed by phytosociological methods, with 127 quadrats classified by clustering analysis. Using quantitative and phytosociological classification standards, vegetation was classified by 13 associations and four communities. Structure characteristics, geographic distribution characteristics(including altitude and landform), species composition, food resources status, DBHlevels and height of tree layers in each association were analyzed. This study showed that association(Ass.) Ⅰ(Pinus armandii-Indocalamus nubigenus-Euphorbia hylonoma), Ass. Ⅵ (Abies fargesii+Betula albosinensis-Fargesia spathacea+Schisandra incarnata-Saussurea chingiana), Ass. Ⅸ (Pinus armandii-Spiraea veitchii-Parathelypteris nipponica), and Ass. Ⅻ (Abies fargesii+Pinus armandii-Smilax stans+Spiraea veitchii-Parathelypteris nipponica) possessed the most species. Among them, Ass. I, Ass. Ⅵ and Ass. Ⅸ had the most food resources. In addition, Ass. Ⅳ(Betula albosinensis-Sorbus hupehensis-Ligularia veitchiana) had the greatest average tree height as well as the largest proportion of trees with a DBH greater than 30 cm. Therefore, these five associations were the main vegetation types within the habitat of Rhinopithecus roxellana at Shennongjia National Nature Reserve. This study provides an important reference for vegetation protection and restoration of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitat in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve.


