Plant communities within the
Rhinopithecus roxellana habitat of Shennongjia National Nature Reserve were surveyed by phytosociological methods, with 127 quadrats classified by clustering analysis. Using quantitative and phytosociological classification standards, vegetation was classified by 13 associations and four communities. Structure characteristics, geographic distribution characteristics(including altitude and landform), species composition, food resources status,
DBHlevels and height of tree layers in each association were analyzed. This study showed that association(Ass.) Ⅰ(
Pinus armandii-
Indocalamus nubigenus-Euphorbia hylonoma), Ass. Ⅵ (
Abies fargesii+
Betula albosinensis-Fargesia spathacea+Schisandra incarnata-Saussurea chingiana), Ass. Ⅸ (
Pinus armandii-
Spiraea veitchii-
Parathelypteris nipponica), and Ass. Ⅻ (
Abies fargesii+
Pinus armandii-Smilax stans+
Spiraea veitchii-Parathelypteris nipponica) possessed the most species. Among them, Ass. I, Ass. Ⅵ and Ass. Ⅸ had the most food resources. In addition, Ass. Ⅳ(
Betula albosinensis-
Sorbus hupehensis-
Ligularia veitchiana) had the greatest average tree height as well as the largest proportion of trees with a
DBH greater than 30 cm. Therefore, these five associations were the main vegetation types within the habitat of
Rhinopithecus roxellana at Shennongjia National Nature Reserve. This study provides an important reference for vegetation protection and restoration of
Rhinopithecus roxellana habitat in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve.