

Spore Morphology of Loxogramme (Blume) C. Presl and Its Taxonomic Significance

  • 摘要: 利用扫描电子显微镜对水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)剑蕨属(Loxogramme)14种植物的孢子形态和表面纹饰进行了观察。结果显示:剑蕨属的孢子具有单裂缝和三裂缝两种类型,个别物种具有中间过渡类型。剑蕨属的孢子纹饰为蠕虫状或浅波纹状。经比较发现,具三裂缝孢子的物种通常植株较小,而具单裂缝的种类则通常植株较大。从进化的角度来看,三裂缝孢子为原始类型,单裂缝孢子为进化类型,因而从孢子形态特征的角度支持剑蕨属为水龙骨科基部类群。


    Abstract: Loxogramme (Blume) C. Presl is a small genus and the basal lineage of the derived fern family Polypodiaceae. In this study, new spore observations on Loxogramme were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The newly generated data were integrated and compared with previously reported evidence on this genus. Two main spore shapes, trilete and monolete, were found, with transitional types also observed in some species. In addition, two different ornamentation types were found in this genus, either rugate or vermiculate with or without globes. The two different spore types of Loxogramme are distinct within the family Polypodiaceae, and also are taxonomically useful in clarifying groups of this genus.


