

Research on Spore Morphology of Phymatopsis shandongensis and Phymatopsis hastata

  • 摘要: 采用扫描电镜对山东假瘤蕨(Phymatopsis shandongensis J. X. Li et C.Y. Wang)和金鸡脚假瘤蕨(P. hastata(Thunb.) Pic. Serm.)正常发育的成熟孢子进行了系统地观察研究。结果显示,前者孢壁纹饰属粗糙型,后者孢壁纹饰属粗刺型,两者孢壁纹饰差异显著;孢壁纹饰特征在植物分类中具有重要意义,依据孢壁纹饰,山东假瘤蕨应为一个独立的物种,不宜并入金鸡脚假瘤蕨;建议恢复山东假瘤蕨在植物分类学上的种级地位。本研究还提供了金鸡脚假瘤蕨孢子形态特征;补充了假瘤蕨属的扫描电镜孢壁纹饰新资料。研究结果为弄清这两种植物的分类归属提供了孢粉学依据。


    Abstract: Spores of Phymatopsis shandongensis and P. hastata were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed clear distinctions in the spore ornamentations of P. shandongensis (rough type) and P. hastata (thick pointed type).The spore ornamentation characteristics showed that P. shandongensis J.X. Li et C.Y. Wang was a distinct species, and should be restored to a species level position rather than incorporated with P. hastata (Thunb.) Pic. Serm. Our research presents new information on the spore morphology of P. shandongensis and P. hastata, as well as spore ornamentations of Phymatopsis by SEM. Furthermore, the results of this study provide a palynological basis for clarifying the affiliation of the two species.


