

Preliminary study on functional gynomonoecious Silene uniflora Roth

  • 摘要: 雌全同株是指植株同时具有两性花和雌花性系统,目前国内外相关研究多集中于菊科(Asteraceae)植物。海滨蝇子草(Silene uniflora Roth.)单株具有2种花朵类型,分别是可育两性花和功能上为雌花的雄性不育两性花,属于功能性雌全同株植物。可育两性花具有雄性先熟和雌雄异位的性别分离特征;其繁育系统主要为异交,部分自交,花内自交坐果率为31.71%。功能性雌花的雄蕊和花粉畸形,花粉量少。在初花期和末花期,功能性雌花较可育两性花所占比例更大。海滨蝇子草的功能性雌全同株性系统,在进化上可能具有降低自交、增加异交率,避免雌雄功能干扰和提高雌雄功能资源分配等适应性机制。


    Abstract: Gynomonoecy is the mode of sex expression in which female and bisexual flowers occur on the same plant. To date, previous research has primarily focused on its occurrence in Asteraceae. There are two types of hermaphrodite flowers in Silene uniflora Roth., namely fertile and male sterile. As both hermaphrodite and functional female flowers occur, the sex system of S. uniflora is functional gynomonoecy. Fertile hermaphrodite flowers exhibit protandry and dichogamy. Their breeding system includes outcrossing and partial self-pollination. The seed setting rate through autogamy was 31.71%. Some flowers showed malformed stamens and pollen, resulting in reduced pollen output. More functional female flowers were found in the early or later flowering period. Functional gynomonoecious S. uniflora might be advan-tageous to reduce autogamy and interfere with male and female function to improve allogamy. This phylogenetic characteristic is beneficial to the mobility and flexibility of resource allocation.


