

Relationship between the distribution of Phellodendron amurense and environmental factors in the Beijing area

  • 摘要: 黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)为我国二级重点保护野生植物,在北京地区黄檗多散生于阔叶林中,数量稀少。为了解北京地区黄檗分布与环境因子的关系,促进种群扩繁,在北京百花山、松山和雾灵山自然保护区共设置了12个20 m×20 m的样地,利用CCA分析方法对不同地点黄檗的生长分布状况与海拔、坡度、坡向、郁闭度、土壤pH值、碱解氮和土壤有机质等11个环境因子的关系进行了分析。结果显示,CCA排序第一轴主要反映了海拔、郁闭度和坡度的变化,第二轴主要反映了有机质含量、碱解氮含量、pH值和坡向的变化,其中海拔、碱解氮和土壤有机质是影响黄檗生长分布的重要环境因子,低海拔、低碱解氮含量以及土壤有机质高的地段适宜黄檗分布。对影响黄檗分布的环境因子进行定量分离,结果发现环境因子对黄檗样地物种分布的解释能力为84.5%,显示出较好的排序效果,黄檗分布点受人为干扰较少,其所在植物群落与环境保持了良好的对应关系;环境因子与物种分布呈显著相关(P=0.03),表明CCA排序结果可以解释环境因子对物种分布的影响程度。


    Abstract: Amur cork (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.) is listed as a second-class protected plant, and is found in small populations of scattered broad-leaved forests in the Beijing area. A total of 12 plots (20 m×20 m) were set up in Baihuashan, Songshan, and Wulingshan Nature Reserves in Beijing to understand the relationship between the distribution of P. amurense and environmental factors in Beijing and to promote population development. The CCA method was used to analyze the effects of different locations, and the relationship between the growth and distribution of P. amurense and 11 environmental factors such as altitude, slope, aspect, canopy density, soil pH, soil available N, and soil organic matter. Results showed that the first axis of the CCA ordination diagram mainly reflected changes in altitude, canopy density, and slope, whereas, the second axis mainly reflected changes in organic matter content, nitrogen content, pH value, and slope. Thus, altitude, soil available N, and soil organic matter are important environmental factors that influence Amur cork distribution, and areas with low altitude, low soil available N and high soil organic matter are suitable for its growth. Quantitative analysis of the influence of environmental factors on species distribution showed they had a good ability to explain P. amurense distribution (84.5%) and a good sorting effect, suggesting that the distribution of amur cork in the sample spots was strongly affected by the studied environmental factors. The plant community also showed a corresponding relationship with areas exhibiting less human interference. There was a significant correlation between environmental factors and species distribution (P=0.03), which strengthened the reliability of the results.


