

Factors that affect measurement using the WP4C dewpoint potential meter to determine water potential——Illustrated by the case of Dalbergia odorifera

  • 摘要: 植物叶片的大小、形状、破碎化程度、测定时间及保存时间是影响植物水势测定的主要因素,但相关研究开展较少。本研究以成熟度相同,羽状复叶较多的降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)为实验材料,利用WP4C露点水势仪监测叶片水势的日变化动态。结果显示,叶片水势测定最合理的时间段为9:00-13:00;测定叶片在4℃冰箱中保存不同时间后的水势变化值,确定4℃条件下保存1 h内为测定叶片水势的最佳保存时间;比较了不同形状、大小以及不同破碎化程度的叶片对水势测定的影响,结果显示叶片的大小、形状和破碎化程度对水势均有一定影响。因此,实际操作中应使用完整的单个叶片覆盖样品室以准确测定叶片水势。在优化测定条件后,利用该方法测定的水势值具有准确率高、重复性强、稳定性好等特点。


    Abstract: The main factors that affect the determination of plant water potential are leaf sizes, shapes, fragmentation degree, sampling time, and sample storage; however, relative studies are very limited. In the present research, Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen individuals with similar maturity and strong pinnately compound leaves were used to study the above mentioned factors. The diurnal dynamic changes in leaf water potential were measured with the WP4C dewpoint potential meter every hour. Results showed that the most reasonable period for determination of leaf water potential was from 09:00 to 13:00. The leaf water potentials of leaves stored at 4℃ for 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 h were measured, respectively. Results suggested that the best storage duration to measure leaf water potential was within 1 h after sampling. Our results also showed that leaf shapes, sizes, and fragmentation degrees had significant influences on water potential. Single leaf samples should completely cover the sample chamber of the instrument when leaf water potential is determined. Under our optimized conditions, the methods exhibited high accuracy, repeatability, and stability.


