

Study on germination characteristics and acceleration technology of Citrus wilsonii seeds

  • 摘要: 以香圆(Citrus wilsonii Tanaka)种子为实验材料,通过测定种皮透水性、种皮机械障碍、发芽温度等对种子萌发的影响从而探讨种子萌发特征;通过切割种子、热水浸种、赤霉素浸种、低温层积等处理方式探索种子的催芽方法。结果显示:香圆种皮不存在透水性障碍,但其机械障碍对种子萌发具有抑制作用,且内种皮对萌发影响较大;种子在15℃、25℃、35℃恒温及15℃/30℃变温条件下均可萌发,其最适萌发温度为25℃;采用低温层积、热水浸种、切除1/3种子等方法均可一定程度上促进种子萌发。生产中宜采用始温60℃热水浸种24h的方法对香圆种子进行催芽。


    Abstract: Citrus wilsonii seeds were selected as experimental material to study seed germination characteristics by testing the influence of seed coat water permeability, seed coat mechanical obstacle, and germination temperature on germination, and to determine the optimal pre-germination method of cutting seeds, soaking seeds, GA treatment, and cold stratification. Results showed that there was no water permeability barrier in the Citrus wilsonii seed coat. However, mechanical resistance of the seed coat inhibited germination, and the endotesta had a considerable influence. Citrus wilsonii seeds could germinate at constant temperatures of 15℃, 25℃, and 35℃, and at changing temperatures of 15℃/30℃. The most appropriate germination temperature was 25℃. Cold temperature stratification, immersion in hot water, and removing one-third of the seeds promoted the germination process to a certain extent. Thus, immersion in hot water at an initial temperature of 60℃ for 24 h could be used to accelerate germination in production.


