

Origin and evolution of the flora of Yunnan

  • 摘要: 云南是生物多样性高度富集的地区,其植物种类占中国植物种类的一半以上,几乎包含了欧亚大陆的各种主要植被类型,其错综复杂的生物区系是如何形成与演化的,这个基本问题目前尚未得到解决。本文结合云南的历史地质事件,从植物区系地理学研究上对云南植物区系的起源与演化研究进行了介绍。研究发现,云南植物区系具有一个远古的热带起源背景,在第三纪热带、亚热带性质的东亚植物区系基础上,随着喜马拉雅的隆升,世界性和北温带植物区系成分在北部地区渗透、迅速形成大量物种,使北部地区演化成为现今以世界性和北温带分布的科、属占优势的温带植物区系;在南部地区,因印度支那地质板块向东南亚逃逸,热带亚洲成分渗透、发展,演化成为以热带亚洲成分为主的热带植物区系;云南中部地区第三纪东亚植物区系成分有更多的保持与承袭。对云南南部、中部和北部植物区系系统发育关系(系统发育结构和β多样性格局)的研究支持了植物区系地理学上的推论。此外,思茅-兰坪(印度支那)地质板块自晚始新世以来发生顺时针旋转可能导致了云南西北部与云南东南部一些物种对应分布格局的形成;云南南部与东南部热带地区的植物区系可能因具有不同的地质背景和演化历程而发生了显著的生物地理分异。在晚第三纪各地质事件的影响下,云南植物区系在一个热带、亚热带性质的第三纪东亚植物区系基础上发生了歧化,演化成为现今的南-北、东-西生物地理分异明显的植物区系。


    Abstract: Yunnan is an extremely biodiverse area in southwestern China. It includes more than half of all Chinese plant species and the main vegetation types of Eurasia. However, the origin and evolution of its intricate biota are less known to science. Based on geological events in Yunnan since the Tertiary, we investigated the possible origin and evolution of Yunnan flora from the view of floristic biogeography. It was revealed that the flora of Yunnan might be derived from tropical-subtropical Tertiary flora of East Asia, with later divergence. The northwestern Yunnan flora likely evolved through rapid speciation from families and genera of cosmopolitan and north temperate distribution with uplift of the Himalayas and climatic oscillations after the late Tertiary, while southern Yunnan flora evolved tropical Asian flora by permeation of tropical Asian elements with southeastward extrusion of the Indochina block, with central Yunnan inheriting more elements of Tertiary flora from East Asia. The phylogenetic relationships (phylogenetic structure and β-diversity patterns) of the flora of northern, central, and southern Yunnan supported the deduction suggested from biogeography. The oblique abundance patterns of Yunnan seed plants corresponded well to the clockwise rotation and southeastward extrusion of the Langping-Simao (Indochina) Geoblock caused by the collision of India with Asia. The divergence of the flora of southern and southeastern Yunnan, in which the former was more closely related to Indo-Malaysian flora and the latter was more closely related to Eastern Asian flora, was well supported by the geological history of these regions; that is, the flora of tropical southeastern Yunnan derived from the South China Geoblock, whereas the southern Yunnan flora derived from the Shan-Thai Geoblock.


