

Changes in physiological indices and storage properties of ‘Jinyuan’ kiwifruit from different orchards under low temperature storage

  • 摘要: 以中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)黄肉新品种‘金圆’果实为材料,通过低温贮藏实验(1℃±0.5℃,相对湿度90%~95%),系统研究武汉和六盘水所产‘金圆’果实的生理指标及贮藏性。结果显示,两地‘金圆’果实硬度和色彩角(h值)随贮藏时间延长而逐渐下降,硬度在前20 d下降幅度大。果实可溶性固形物(SSC)含量和干物质在贮藏期间变化规律基本一致,六盘水产果实的SSC和干物质含量高于武汉。武汉产果实VC、可溶性总糖、可滴定酸含量仅在80 d时高于六盘水,其他时间均低于六盘水。两地果实的固酸比和糖酸比变化一致,六盘水产果实固酸比(SSC/TA)和糖酸比(SS/TA)在80 d时均达到峰值,而武汉产果实只有糖酸比达到峰值。随贮藏时间延长,两地果实的失重率均缓慢上升,160 d时武汉和六盘水果实的失重率分别为2.82%和2.55%;在贮藏前60 d两地果实腐烂率较低,之后上升较快,160 d时六盘水产果实腐烂率是武汉的1.77倍。本研究结果表明六盘水产‘金圆’果实的风味品质优于武汉,而武汉产果实贮藏性更好些。


    Abstract: The physiology and storability of the new yellow-fleshed varieties of Actinidia chinensis Planch. ‘Jinyuan’ produced from Wuhan and Liupanshui orchards under low-temperature storage (1℃±0.5℃, relative humidity 90%-95%) were systematically studied. Results showed that the fruit firmness, fruit color angle (h value), soluble solids content (SSC), and dry matter content of ‘Jinyuan’ in Wuhan and Liupanshui shared the same trends. The fruit firmness and h values decreased sharply in the first 20 d after harvest (DAH), and then decreased slowly until the end of storage. The SSC had the largest increase rate in the first 20 DAH and reached the maximum level at 60 DAH, after which it became stable. The dry content of ‘Jinyuan’ changed stably through the entire storage period. However, the vitamin C (VC) contents in ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan and Liupanshui orchards were dramatically different. The VC content of ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan showed a declining-sharply rising-declining trend and reached the maximum level at 80 DAH. The VC content of ‘Jinyuan’ from Liupanshui showed a rising-declining-rising trend and reached the minimum level at 80 DAH. The SSC and SSC/TA of ‘Jinyuan’ from both Wuhan and Liupanshui reached the maximum level at 80 DAH. The SSC/TA of ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan continued to increase after 80 DAH, whereas the SSC/TA of ‘Jinyuan’ from Liupanshui decreased. Generally, the value of titratable acid (TA) showed a declining trend during the entire storage period. The weight loss rate of ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan and Liupanshui showed slow increasing trends, which only reached 2.82% and 2.55% at 160 DAH, respectively. The rot rates of ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan and Liupanshui were lower than that of other fruits during the first 60 d, and then began to rise. At 160 DAH, the rot rate of ‘Jinyuan’ from Liupanshui was 1.77 times that of ‘Jinyuan’ from Wuhan.


