
三七(Panax notoginseng)根残体化感自毒效应研究

Study on autotoxicity of Panax notoginseng root residue

  • 摘要: 为研究三七(Panax notoginseng (Burk)F. H. Chen)采收过程中残留须根的化感自毒效应,采用土培和水培2种方法,按不同比例添加三七须根粉碎物,检测根残体作用下土培三七土壤中皂苷的动态变化及水培三七根部形态结构变化。结果显示,土培条件下,随着须根粉碎物处理时间的延长,土壤中皂苷成分种类增加、总皂苷含量减少。水培条件下,随着处理时间的延长,添加须根粉碎物处理后的三七根尖细胞壁增厚,细胞中出现菌丝体;随着处理时间及处理浓度的增加,细胞开始皱缩甚至破碎,细胞中无完整细胞器结构,三七根部细胞结构差异明显。研究表明三七采收过程中残留在土壤中的须根腐解释放的化学物质可能是导致三七自毒效应的因素之一。


    Abstract: To study the allelopathic autotoxicity of residues in the process of harvesting Panax notoginseng, the changes in soil saponins in pot experiments were examined by adding the different concentrations of root residues. The ultrastructures of the roots in the hydroponic experiment were observed. Results showed that the content of total saponins in soil declined and species increased with increasing time. In the hydroponic experiment, with the increase in time and concentration, the cell walls of Panax notoginseng roots thickened and cell mycelia appeared. In addition, the cells began to shrink or even break, and no complete organelles emerged in the cell structure. Results suggested that the chemical substances produced by decomposing fibrils may be another factor that causes the allelopathic autotoxicity of Panax notoginseng.


