

Community structure characteristics of phytoplankton and related environmental factors in summer in Tuohu Lake, Anhui, China

  • 摘要: 为了揭示沱湖浮游植物群落结构特征及其与水环境因子的关系,于2016年7月(夏季),对沱湖流域上游至下游11个采样点浮游植物种类组成、细胞丰度、生物量等进行调查研究。结果显示,沱湖共有浮游植物96种(含变种),隶属8门48属,其中绿藻门(Chlorophyta)和硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)种类最多,绿藻门有23属39种,占总种数的40.63%,硅藻门有7属20种,占总种数的20.83%;其次为裸藻门(Euglenophyta),有5属17种,占总种数的17.71%,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)8属14种,占14.58%;甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)2属2种,隐藻门(Cryptophyta)1属2种,各占总种数的2.08%,黄藻门(Xanthophyta)与金藻门(Chrysophyta)均有1属1种,均占总种数的1.04%。绿藻和硅藻类物种在沱湖浮游植物群落结构中处于优势地位,沱湖夏季浮游植物种类组成表现为绿藻-硅藻型。沱湖夏季浮游植物细胞丰度与生物量从上游到下游呈逐渐增加趋势,细胞丰度与生物量平均值分别为4.022×106 cells/L与3.046 mg/L,蓝藻门和绿藻门类群为沱湖浮游植物细胞丰度主体,硅藻门和裸藻门类群为沱湖浮游植物生物量的主体;上游浮游植物多样性指数与均匀度指数均略高于下游采样点,沱湖水质呈β中污型-无污染型,上游水质优于下游水质。浮游植物群落结构与水环境因子的典型对应分析(CCA)结果表明,电导率、透明度、水深及pH值等环境因子与沱湖夏季浮游植物群落结构有较强的相关性。


    Abstract: To reveal the structural characteristics of the phytoplankton community in Tuohu Lake and its relationship with environmental factors, we analyzed the phytoplankton species composition, abundance, biomass, and environmental factors at 11 sampling sites in July (summer) of 2016. A total of 96 phytoplankton taxa were identified, belonging to 48 genera and eight phyla. The phytoplankton species were dominated by Chlorophyta, with 39 species (40.63% of the total phytoplankton species) from 23 genera, and Bacillariophyta, with 20 species (20.83%) from seven genera. Other notable phyla included:Euglenophyta, with 17 species (17.71%) from five genera; Cyanophyta, with 14 species (14.58%) from eight genera; Pyrrophyta, with two species (2.08%) from two genera; Cryptophyta, with two species (2.08%) from one genus; and Xanthophyta and Chrysophyta, both with one species from one genus, accounting for 1.04% of total phytoplankton species, respectively. Given their dominance in the community structure, the phytoplankton species composition was Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta type. In addition, the sampling sites at the lower reaches exhibited higher phytoplankton cell abundance and biomass than that observed in the upper reaches. The average cell density and biomass of phytoplankton were 4.022×106 cells/L and 3.046 mg/L, respectively. Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta cell abundance was highest, whereas Bacillariophyta and Euglenophyta biomass was highest. The Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indices of phytoplankton in the upstream sampling sites were higher than those downstream. Furthermore, the water quality of Tuohu Lake was determined to be in oligotrophic-β mesotrophic status. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that conductivity, transparency, water depth, and pH were strongly correlated with the phytoplankton community structure.


