Aspidistra nutans Aver. & Tillich (Asparagaceae), a new species published in 2017, is reported here as a new record species for China. It was first found in northwestern Vietnam and has now been found in Pingbian, Yunnan Province, China. Its fruit characteristics are described here for the first time. This species is similar to
A. subrotata Y. Wan & C. C. Huang, but differs by its midveins and secondary veins being prominent on lamina (vs. veins concave); peduncles 0.8-4.5 cm long, hook-like curved distally (vs. ca. 5 mm long, straight); nutant flowers often flowering in underground or semi-underground position (vs. flowering obliquely upward, face up); perigone lobes smooth, purplish-brown (vs. inside papillate, dark purple); and stigma pure white (vs. white with purple spots).