

A new species and a newly recorded species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Yunnan, China

  • 摘要: 报道了在云南西南部发现的凤仙花属一新种——滇红凤仙花(Impatiens quintadecimacopii G.W.Hu&Q.F.Wang)和一新记录种——伸展凤仙花(I.porrecta Wall.ex Hook.f.&Thomson)。这两个种在形态上很相似,但在花色、侧萼片形状、旗瓣形状和蒴果颜色上明显有别。根据形态特征,这两个种应属于凤仙花亚属(I. subg.Impatiens)单花组(I. sect.Uniflora)。结合核糖体DNA内转录间隔区序列(ITS)与叶绿体atpB-rbcL间隔区序列开展系统发育分析,结果进一步确认了这两个种关系紧密,以及它们在单花组内的系统位置。


    Abstract: Impatiens quintadecimacopii G. W. Hu & Q. F. Wang sp. nov. is described and I. porrecta is reported as a new record from southwestern Yunnan province of China. These two species are close in morphology but can be distinguished by color of flowers, shape of lateral sepals and upper petals, and color of capsules. Morphological characters of these two species indicate they belong to sect. Uniflora in I. subg. Impatiens. Phylogenetic analysis of a combined dataset from nuclear ITS and plastid atpB-rbcL sequences confirmed their close relationship and their phylogenetic placement in sect. Uniflora.


