

Pollination biology of Amorphophallus albus (Araceae), an endemic plant in the dry-hot valley of Jinsha River

  • 摘要: 以金沙江干热河谷特有植物白魔芋(Amorphophallus albus P.Y.Liu et J.F.Chen)为对象,分别在两个就地栽培实验地(四川金阳、云南永善)和一个异地栽培实验地(富源)进行传粉生物学研究(包括交配系统及气味和传粉昆虫对其繁殖策略的影响)。结果显示,白魔芋是雌雄异熟且雌蕊先熟,雌花期时,附属器散发浓烈的恶臭气味。经气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)分析,花气味成分主要为二甲基二硫和二甲基三硫。野外观察到的传粉昆虫属于隐翅虫科(Staphylinidae),包括前角隐翅虫亚科(Aleocharinae)的Atheta sp.和颈隐翅虫亚科(Oxytelinae)的Anotylus sp.。经气相色谱-触角电位联用技术(GC-EAD)分析表明,隐翅虫触角对白魔芋花气味中的二甲基二硫和二甲基三硫有明显的反应。授粉结果显示,金阳、永善和富源3个实验地人工自花授粉和套袋的结实率都为0,无传粉昆虫的富源实验地自然结实率也为0。综合研究结果表明白魔芋属于自交不亲和的交配系统,通过花序结构和气味吸引隐翅虫为其传粉,并提供食物和交配场所作为回报。该研究为白魔芋的繁殖育种提供了基础资料,为植物与昆虫之间的协同进化提供了进一步的理论支持,同时为白魔芋的有效保护和利用提供了理论依据和技术指导。


    Abstract: We performed a reproductive biology study on Amorphophallus albus P. Y. Liu et J. F. Chen (Araceae), an endemic species in the dry-hot valleys along the Jinsha River, within its natural habitat in Jinyang, Sichuan province and Yongshan, Yunnan province, China. Additionally, we compared hand pollination treatments of an introduced population of this species in Fuyuan, Yunnan province. The breeding system, floral odor, pollinators, and reproductive strategies of Amorphophallus albus were studied in detail. Results indicated that Amorphophallus albus was a protogynous plant species, and partly consumed by rove beetles belonging to the genera Atheta and Anotylus (Staphylinidae). Dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl trisulfide were identified as the main floral odor components by GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). Analyses by gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) led to a positive response by rove beetle antennas to dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl trisulfide. The artificial pollination treatments showed that artificial self-pollination and bagging did not set seed in the studied areas. These experiments indicate that Amorphophallus albus is a self-incompatible plant species, which attracts rove beetles as effective pollinators. Inflorescence odor may be an important olfactory signal for these pollinators. Based on our results, we provide basic information for the breeding of Amorphophallus albus and theoretical support for the co-evolution of plants and insects. This study aims to provide a scientific basis and theoretical guide for the effective conservation and utilization of this species.


