

Water vapor flux characteristics and their relationship with environmental factors in the subalpine peat wetlands of Dajiuhu, Shennongjia

  • 摘要: 以神农架大九湖亚高山泥炭湿地为对象,采用涡度相关技术,通过采集湿地水汽通量的年际数据,并进行数据统计和分析,研究水汽通量特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果显示:(1)大九湖泥炭湿地全年蒸散量占降水量的58.59%,能够满足大九湖生态系统水汽循环的需要。(2)大九湖泥炭湿地的水汽通量全年各月份日均变化大多为正值,即释放水汽,表明该地区总体表现为水汽源;在季节尺度上,水汽通量最大值出现在夏季,夏季水汽通量日均变化幅度最大。(3)净辐射月均变化幅度较大,其中夏季净辐射最大,占全年的34.96%。各季节的净辐射与水汽通量均呈正相关,春季、夏季和秋季的拟合效果(R2)均超过0.7,夏季最高(0.8347),且高于其他同纬度6个地区。(4)除2018年1月外,各月份水汽通量与气温均呈显著正相关,特别是夏季最显著相关,这与夏季植物蒸腾和水分蒸发旺盛有关。(5)气温和净辐射对水汽通量的影响在各季节均显著,但各季节间有所差异。研究表明净辐射在大九湖泥炭湿地水汽循环中的作用大于气温对水汽通量的影响。


    Abstract: Using the eddy covariance technique, we collected interannual data on wetland water vapor flux and conducted data analysis to study the characteristics of water vapor flux and its relationship with environmental factors in the subalpine peat wetlands of Dajiuhu, Shennongjia. Results showed that:(1) Evapotranspiration accounted for 58.59% of precipitation, indicating that precipitation could meet the needs of water vapor circulation in Dajiuhu. (2) Annual diurnal variation of water vapor flux was mostly positive (release of water vapor), indicating that the peat ecosystem of Dajiuhu was the main source of water vapor. Seasonally, maximum diurnal variation appeared in summer, with the largest change range. (3) Average net radiation varied largely over the year and the maximum appeared in summer, accounting for 34.96% of total radiation over the whole year. There was a high correlation between water vapor flux and net radiation in every season. Correlation coefficients (R2) in spring and summer were greater than 0.7, with the maximum of 0.8347 appearing in summer, better than any other survey region at similar latitude. (4) There was a significant positive correlation between water vapor flux and air temperature each month, except January 2018, with the highest correlation in summer. This was mostly because both plant transpiration and surface evaporation were highly active in summer. (5) Air temperature and net radiation had significant effects on water vapor flux in every season, but correlation varied from season to season. These results showed that net radiation played a more important role in the water vapor cycle than air temperature in the subalpine peat wetlands of Dajiuhu, Shennongjia.


