China harbors more than 600 species of
Rhododendron and is thus considered a modern distribution and differentiation center of the genus. Based on the
Red List of Rhododendrons,
Red List of China's Higher Plants, and
Threatened Species List of China's Higher Plants, as well as recent investigations, we re-analyze the threatened status of
Rhododendron according to the criteria of the IUCN Red List and plant species with extremely small populations. As a result, among the 12 critically endangered
Rhododendron species, four are no longer Critically Endangered, one is Data Deficiency, and one is Extinct. In total, nearly 20% of the
Rhododendron species are threatened in China, and another one third are data deficient. Thus, the unclear resource background seriously restricts the biodiversity conservation of
Rhododendron in China. Future research should include comprehensive investigations on
Rhododendron resources, and urgent action should be taken to protect critically endangered species with extremely small populations. Fundamental research and landscape applications should also be strengthened.