

Research progress on Adansonia

  • 摘要: 猴面包树属(Adansonia)植物为高大落叶乔木,隶属锦葵科木棉亚科,原产于非洲和澳大利亚。该属植物因其硕大的茎干、极强的耐旱能力及长寿的特点受到世界范围的广泛关注。猴面包树属植物可利用价值较高,在古气候重建、生物起源进化、生物多样性保护等方面具有重要意义。本文从地理分布、形态结构、功能用途和起源进化等方面对猴面包树属植物的相关研究进行了综述,并从其抗旱机理、开发利用、起源进化和保护繁育等方面进行了展望。


    Abstract: Adansonia are tall deciduous trees of the subfamily Bombacoideae (Malvaceae) native to Africa and Australia. They have attracted much attention worldwide due to their swollen trunks, excellent drought tolerance, and longevity. Adansonia are of great significance in paleoclimatic reconstruction, biological origin and evolution, and biodiversity conservation. In this paper, advances in research on Adansonia are summarized from the perspective of geographical distribution, morphological structure, functional utilization, and origin and evolution. Future research prospects are also discussed in regard to drought resistance mechanisms, exploitation and utilization, origin and evolution, and biodiversity conservation.


