

Advances in research on water relation of mangrove plants

  • 摘要: 红树林生长于受潮汐影响的海滨特殊生境,具有重要的生态功能及应用价值。红树植物的水分利用特点一直是研究热点。由于受环境盐分影响,红树植物水势普遍较低;水分运输系统抗气穴化能力极强;水分利用保守,用水量处于同径级的热带陆生树木用水量的低值范围;表型可塑性大,可通过耐旱、耐盐和多样的水分管理策略适应潮间带环境;水分运输效率不低,能在环境条件适宜时进行高效的光合合成。本文通过大量的文献分析,综述了红树植物的水分关系特点、水分和盐分管理策略,对未来从多角度、结合新研究技术的红树植物水分关系研究进行了展望。


    Abstract: Mangroves, which grow in coastal habitats affected by tides, have important ecological functions and biological values. Understanding the water relationships of mangrove plants is an important area of research. Due to the influence of salty habitats, the water potential of mangroves is generally low. The water transportation system of mangroves exhibits high embolism resistance. Furthermore, mangrove water use is conservative, with water consumption in the low range for terrestrial tropical trees. Mangrove species show high phenotypic plasticity, high drought and salt tolerance, and diverse water management strategies in order to adapt to their intertidal environments. Their water transport efficiency is not low, which can support high photosynthesis when environmental conditions are favorable. The present paper reviews the characteristics of mangrove water use, as well as water and salt management strategies. We also propose future research areas on the water relationships of mangrove plants from multiple perspectives combined with new research techniques.


