

On the orientation of carpel sutures in Fabaceae

  • 摘要: 当今植被和地球生态系统中多样性最高的类群是被子植物。豆科植物是被子植物中的第三大科,因其重要的经济价值与人类的生活密切相关,颇受植物学家的重视。百余年前植物学家已基本明确回答了豆科植物的许多形态学问题,但仍然有一个问题不甚明确。单枚心皮是豆科植物的一个重要特征。植物学家认为该心皮缝合线朝向心皮的腹面。这种解读某种程度上是人们对木兰类心皮理解的合理延伸,也是形态演化理论所期望的。但事实上,豆科植物除了单心皮外还有多心皮的属种,其胚珠着生位置及心皮缝合线朝向各异。它们之间的演化关系如何?这个问题的答案与我们对被子植物的形态和演化历程的理解关系甚大,这里提出来与大家一起思考和研究。


    Abstract: Angiosperms are the group with the greatest diversity in the current vegetation and ecosystem. Many taxa in angiosperms are closely related to the well-being of the human beings. The frequently seen Fabaceae are the focus of botanical studies due to their important economic value. Although many morphological questions (especially those of Fabaceae) have been well answered after long time efforts, the orientation of the carpel sutures in Fabaceae remains puzzling. Monocarpellate has been taken as a feature of Fabaceae, and its suture is interpreted as oriented ventrally. This interpretation is coherent to the classical understanding of magnoliaceous carpels. However, besides monocarpellate, many gynoecia in Fabaceae are multicarpellate and the orientation of the carpels varies. What is the relationship among these gynoecia and carpels? The answers to these questions are hinged with our thorough comprehension of morphology and evolution of angiosperms. We wish more botanists to join our enquiring of these questions.


