

Six new records of Orchidaceae in Sichuan Province

  • 摘要: 报道了近期在四川西部进行野生兰科植物资源调查过程中发现的6个四川兰科植物新记录种,即:软叶筒距兰(Tipularia cunninghamii(King&Prain) S.C.Chen)、兜蕊兰(Androcorys ophioglossoides Schltr.)、戟形虾脊兰(Calanthe nipponica Makino)、太白山虾脊兰(C.taibaishanensis M.Guo,J.W.Zhai&L.J.Chen)、无喙兰(Neottia gaudissartii Hand.-Mazz.)和卡氏对叶兰(N.karoana Szlach.),其中软叶筒距兰为中国大陆首次报导。这些兰科植物在川西的发现为四川植物区系增加了新的组成成份,并为研究这些兰科植物的起源和扩散路线提供了新的分布信息。


    Abstract: During recent investigations in western Sichuan, six species of Orchidaceae were collected, including Tipularia cunninghamii (King & Prain) S. C. Chen, Androcorys ophioglossoides Schltr., Calanthe nipponica Makino, C. taibaishanensis M. Guo, J. W. Zhai & L. J. Chen, Neottia gaudissartii Hand.-Mazz. and N. karoana Szlach., which are new records for Sichuan. Among them, T. cunninghamii is reported on the Chinese mainland for the first time. These records add new components to the flora of western Sichuan and offer new distribution information for studies on the origin and dispersal of these plants.


